
Sportive Club Moto Fly Ro founded by Marian Cojocaru pilot-instructor for Paramotor is organizing on 9th-10th of June 2018 the 12th edition of International Flight and Extreme Sports Festival at Comana Airfield, in Giurgiu county, near Bucharest.
First edition took place in 2007 at Giurgiu being first international event dedicated to all extreme sports, like: aeronautics, nautics, enduro, ATV, bikes, kiting, off-road. Information about event in Romanian, English and French on www.festivalinternationaldezbor.ro.
The aeroshow is very apreciated by all participants, because the pilots are free to promote flight school for paramotor, motor hang glider or ultralight airplane, to perform induction flights and to show spectaculouse manoeuvres and acrobatics. Sharing experience and making partnerships with other participants is a plus of this event. This edition will bring also enduro and offroad competitions. Accommodation and meals in Comana. Free access with caravanes, tens including all utilities.
For public is FREE ACCESS:
This events is a trigger for sportive tourism in Romania, bringing together remarcable people and promoting an area full of history and rich in natural objectives.
President of Sportive Club Moto Fly Ro, Marian Cojocaru, well known for performance as Speedway pilot of Romanian National Team, started 13 years ago paragliding and passed to paramotor.
Three years ago, thanks to a long friendships with Avio Design Ltd. team, a joint-venture project was born, ADler Paratrike. The project begin in January and first launch was in April in Bulgaria. In June 2012 ADler was launched at Mondial Paramoteur at Basse-Ham - France and was a real success because of innovation and performance. ADler Paratrike website: www.paradler.com and Facebook: ADler Paratrike.
Other information about the flight school, location, tourism in Comana on www.motoflyro.ro and Facebook: Club Sportiv Moto Fly Ro.
Phone: 0749952785,728132718
E-mail contact@motoflyro.ro
Airfield location:
Bucuresti > Calugareni > Branistari > Budeni > Comana Airfield
Bucuresti > Adunatii-Copaceni > Gradistea
Bucuresti: Maxi Taxi
LAT:4412'2"N LONG:2608'24"E